Get Spiritual Counsel

Nathan By Nathan1 min read703 views
Spiritual Counsel is invaluable in the spiritual life.

One powerful model that Jesus gave us for learning to do God’s will is the Master/Disciple relationship. He himself chose individuals and walked with them for three years, teaching them how to know and do God’s will. His teachings give us the model for what good spiritual counsel looks like.

Following from His example in our day and age is the traditional Catholic practice of spiritual direction. A person who is mature in Christian life and trained to guide others can be a spiritual director for a person who is less experienced. The spiritual director will help a disciple to grow in the being able to know God’s will. The disciple will tell their spiritual director what God appears to be doing in their lives. The spiritual director might confirm, reject, or offer pointed questions that bring clarity. If you aren’t taking advantage of spiritual counsel, you’re missing a huge opportunity to grow in your spiritual life.

If you want to read more disciples and stewards reflections, check out the archive. To read more about my conversion, check out Demoniac, now available on Amazon.



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