When Jesus walked among us, His preaching ministry came accompanied by tremendous miraculous healings. The blind saw, the lame leapt to their feet, lepers were cleansed. Jesus pointed to these miracles as evidence that the Kingdom of God was at…
Ordination – Configured to Christ.
Through the Sacrament of Ordination, God gives the Church Bishops, Priests, and Deacons to lead and serve us in our walk of faith. Ordination configures men to Jesus Christ in a special way to empower them to act on His…
Marriage – An Icon of the Trinity
At the wedding feast of Cana, Jesus took water and turned it into wine. He wanted to rejoice with the married couple and their guests. In a similar way, Jesus took the institution of marriage, broken as it was by…
Confirmation – Our own, personal Pentecost.
At the first Pentecost, the Holy Spirit rushed on Jesus’s disciples and became visible as tongues of flame. The Holy Spirit filled each one with a zeal to spread the Gospel and the fortitude to endure any hardship. Rather than…
The Eucharist – The Promise of Emmanuel Fulfilled
The Eucharist is Emmanuel, God with us. The Most Blessed Sacrament. The bread of life. The mystery of faith. The source and summit of our faith. Jesus’s own Body and Blood that was given up for us on the Cross….
Reconciliation – Forgiveness, healing, and resurrection
The Sacrament of Reconciliation, or Confession, enables us to encounter God’s mercy. It is a Sacrament of healing and sometimes a Sacrament of resurrection. The sins that we commit wound us, and if they are serious enough, completely snuff out…