Ask the Magisterium
Discover God’s will by studying the official teachings of the Catholic Church. The term Magisterium means the teaching office of the Church. Jesus entrusted the mission of passing on the faith to the Church. He told His apostles to teach the nations to observe all of His commandments. The Church has been doing this since Pentecost.
The Sacred Tradition, with a capital T, is the deposit of faith entrusted to the Apostles as it has been lived and understood throughout the ages. The Magisterium explains our faith to us through works like the Catechism, Encyclicals, Council Documents, and other authoritative teachings.
If you have a question about the faith or the Catholic understanding of morality, the Catechism can bring light and clarity. God wants us to know our faith and put it into practice.
Disciples and Stewards provides brief meditations about the spiritual life. To learn more about my conversion to the faith, check out Demoniac, now available on Amazon.