Baptism – Born from Above

Nathan By Nathan1 min read735 views
The Baptism of the Lord.

The Sacrament of Baptism begins our journey of discipleship. Through water and the Holy Spirit, we are buried with Christ in His Crucifixion and reborn as God’s own children. The Sacrament of Baptism is so powerful that it can never be repeated and leaves us forever changed. Made new.

Most of us Catholics were baptized as babies, so we should stop and think about the tremendous gift we have been given. Cultivating the graces we received in Baptism is a lifelong process of growing in faith, hope, love, and holiness. One of our primary missions as Catholics is to take this gift of Baptism and give it away to everyone we can.

If you want to read more disciples and stewards reflections, check out the archive.

Jesus snatched me out of the darkness and saved me from complete madness. If you want to hear more of that story, check out Demoniac, now available on Amazon.



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