Marriage – An Icon of the Trinity
At the wedding feast of Cana, Jesus took water and turned it into wine. He wanted to rejoice with the married couple and their guests. In a similar way, Jesus took the institution of marriage, broken as it was by sin through the Fall, and elevated it to a Sacrament.
In the Sacrament of Marriage, He restores the communion between man and woman that Adam and Eve destroyed. Grace works through this sacrament to take two individuals and make them one, experiencing a similar unity to that shared by the three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity. Miraculous!
The spiritual reality of marriage joining two people into one happens immediately. Living out this oneness offers both spouses many opportunities to grow in patience, love, self-sacrifice, endurance, and forgiveness.
Sin continues to interfere with God’s plan for the communion between men and women. But we can take comfort in Jesus’s promise that what God has joined, no man can tear apart. God promises an abundance of grace to couples, in good times and in bad, to live out their marriage covenant.
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Jesus snatched me out of the darkness and saved me from complete madness. If you want to hear more of that story, check out Demoniac, now available on Amazon.