The Unity of Truth

Nathan By Nathan1 min read671 views
The Unity of Truth

If you’re seeking to know God’s will, which of the five sources should you trust: direct revelation, Scripture, Traditionthe lives and writings of the saints, or your spiritual counselor? The correct answer is all five of them. God will never contradict Himself, so there is and always will be a perfect harmony between these five different sources of understanding. There is unity in Truth.

How does this work in practice? This is a process called ‘discerning God’s will’. Read and study the Scriptures, the Tradition, and the lives of the saints. Seek to understand what the Church has revealed about who God is and what He desires for us. Prayerfully examine what is going on in your life and in your heart in light of that revelation. Discuss it with your spiritual counselor. When there is harmony between all of these sources of knowledge, you should have peace that you know the will of God and can move forward with confidence.

If you want to read more disciples and stewards reflections, check out the archive. To read more about my conversion, check out Demoniac, now available on Amazon.



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