Welcome to my blog!
Hey, ya’ll. I want to introduce my new blog, nathankrupa.com. Over the past couple of years, I’ve developed a real love of publishing my writing online. I’m currently running three other websites: theAlmoner.com, which talks about fundraising: fundraiserwiki.com, which provides fundraising tips in a wiki format; and demoniac.net, which was personal blog and promotional site for my most recent book, Demoniac.
After much prayer and consideration, I’ve decided to retire demoniac.net and move its content to this new site, nathankrupa.com. The core problem was this: I was once a demoniac, but now (thanks be to God) I am not. So that other site felt like a blog about who I was, not about who I am.
My new focus
I came to the realization that God and what He’s doing right now is vastly more interesting to me than the devil and what he did 15 years ago. I want the freedom to focus my writing energies on what God is teaching me right now. These restrictions are entirely self-imposed, but that’s the way that my silly brain works.
I’m a man who has discovered God. Or been discovered by God. And is in the process of discovering himself in light of this new and important information. God found me in the tar pits of Los Angeles, and has made someone entirely new. Like the site heading says, God transformed me into a husband, a father, a writer, and a beggar. There are some other facets, but these are the central core of who He has made me.
The journey to eternity.
Every night, when my family prays together before bedtime, I ask God to teach me to be a better husband, father, writer, and fundraiser for the food bank. I’ve been doing this for years. These are the primary calls on my life, and it’s impossible for me to fully accomplish any of these roles without God’s grace.
Demoniac told the story of where I was. This new blog tells the story of where I am now and where I’m going. It is a great adventure. I’ve abandoned the illusion that I am the master of my fate and the captain of my destiny. Instead, I find I’m the minor character in a sweeping drama that encompasses all of creation and finds its fulfillment in eternity. A minor character who happens to be close, personal friends with the Author. This is a most important distinction.
Jesus told the rich young man, “Give all you have to the poor. Then you’ll have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me.” I’ve given the last ten years of my life to the poor. I want to follow Him with my whole heart. To seek God’s will for my life, for my wife, and for my family.
What was the prize that the rich young man sought? “Master, how may I inherit eternal life?” This is my heart’s desire. To enjoy my God for endless days and to bring as many people along with me as possible. I hope you enjoy walking with me on this marvelous and delightful journey.
If you’d like to read the testimony of my conversion and the way this journey started, check out my book Demoniac, now available on Amazon.